For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Reflection - Part 1

Sometimes it is good to sit back and look at the days and years gone by. Reflections can echo the peace and tranquility of it or the stormy, bumpy times.
In each of us, there is the longing back for “the good old days’ and we compare the quality of today’s standard of living with then. But were they so good? Is it just the memory of them which makes them seem better? Are today’s so bad?
Today’s technology makes our live much easier in many ways. For example, as a young child we had a toilet which was outside. Now this was not a bad thing in summer, but it sure was hell in the winter.
Today we go out and buy a kettle or a toaster, but it only seems to last until the day after the guarantee expires whereas before it lasted for 20 years.
When we went to visit relations who lived in the next town, you could not go for the day as just getting there would take half of it and you had to take a picnic basket to eat along the way.
Now, in the same amount of time I can fly half way around the world and not need to worry about the picnic or getting a flat tire or even the possibility of hitting a cow on the road.
Speak to any older person and they will tell you times were tough back then and guess what, times are tough now too!!