For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Scarlet Silver Oak (Grevillea banksii)

 Family Proteaceae
 A beautiful tree of about 5m in height. Alien from Australia.
 Found in the Ramsgate area,
Extract from Wikipedia:
Grevillea banksii, known by various common names including Red silky oak, Dwarf silky oak, Banks' grevillea, Byfield waratah and, in Hawaii, Kahili flower or Kahili tree is a plant of the large genus Grevillea in the diverse family Proteaceae. Native to Queensland, it has been a popular garden plant for many years though has been superseded somewhat horticulturally by smaller and more floriferous hybrids. A white-flowered form G. banksii fo. albiflora is known as white silky oak