Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lions - Part 1

They have exceptionally rough tongues, and even at an early age are able to take the skin off your hand by licking it.
The females leave the pride to give birth and will not rejoin them until the cubs are about six weeks old. Litters average 2-4 cubs.
This is a white lion cub. It is neither an albino nor a separate species.
Although they do drink water regularly, they are not dependent on it as they derived their moisture from their food.
The lion, leopard and tiger have an elastic unossified hyoidean complex which allows the larynx a freedom of movement not found in other cats, which is bony. This permits them to utter much louder vocalizations, which, in the case of the lion, can be heard for long distances in the stillness of the night.
Lions are the largest of the African carnivores, the males standing up to four and a half feet at shoulder height.
When mating, the pair will leave the pride and go off by themselves. Copulation occurs about every twenty minutes for about two or three days, until the male is sure she has conceived.
The mane of the lion is there to protect his neck and throat during a fight. In some of the older males, this mane turns almost black in color. Maneless males have been known.
In certain areas, giraffe make up a large percentage of their food supply, then buffalo. Because of its size, the whole pride can eat and they do not have to hunt again for the next two or three days. They are opportunistic feeders and will also kill anything from ostrich and zebra to elephants.
Most people do not know that ALL wild cats are spotted. Some adults retain their rosettes spots on their flanks and underbellies, but it is mostly seen on the young.
Lion mainly become man-eaters after they have been kicked out of the pride due to illness or old age, and are unable to hunt successfully for themselves.