Wednesday, November 18, 2009


No two zebra have the same stripe pattern and are thus easily told apart by their calves in breeding season.
Often one sees them rolling in the sand. They do this to make their white stripes darker so that they are not as easily seen by predators and to get rid of ticks and fleas.
Their white and black colouring tends to look grey in the distance at twilight, thus offering them good camouflage when predators start prowling around.
They have been known to dig for water when and if it becomes necessary.
The gestation period is the same as a horse, twelve months.
They make a barking-like sound and at night they can often be heard in the distance.
They prefer course, more fibrous grass and that is why they are usually found with antelope which eat the finer grasses.
When moving, they are usually seen walking one behind the other, although this applies only to areas where they are found in small herds.

Earlier settlers in South Africa tried to use them in place of donkeys to pull their carts, but they were found to have not enough stamina as they can only run for about ten kilometres.