Monday, May 7, 2012

Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei)

 Family Apocynaceae
 Pachypodium lamerei is a species of Pachypodium. It has large thorns and leaves mostly just at the top of the plant. It is a stemsucculent and comes from the island of Madagascar. The plant bears large, fragrant flowers. The species has become one of the best known pachypodiums in cultivation, being relatively easy to propagate and grow.
 In cultivation it is often marketed as the "Madagascar Palm", despite its not being a palm at all. A variety called "Ramosum" has been described. It is distinguished mostly by a dwarf growth habit.

Pachypodium lamerei grows best in warm climates and full sun. It will not tolerate hard frosts, and will likely drop most of its leaves if exposed to even a light frost.
It is easy to grow as a houseplant, if you can provide the sunlight it needs. Use a fast-draining potting mix, such as a cactus mix and pot in a container with drainage holes to prevent root rot.