Sunday, May 27, 2012

Namaqualand Daisy (Dimorphotheca sinuata)

Family Asteraceae
D. sinuata is an annual that grows up to 300 mm tall. This showy annual creates sheets of brilliant orange when it flowers in Namaqualand in early spring, drawing visitors from near and far. It is a member of the daisy family.
 The Namaqualand or African daisy is a particularly attractive species of the genus Dimorphotheca, with remarkably big orange flowers that have orange centres (sometimes they may be yellow, depending on the locality). They need full sun to open and they always face the sun.
 The flowering time is mid-winter to mid-autumn. Selected forms of Namaqualand daisies are available for cultivation in a variety of shades such as orange, cream, yellow and salmon. The seeds that appear soon after the flowers wilt are brownish and papery. They are easily blown away by the wind, so they need to be collected as early as possible.

Dimorphotheca sinuata grows naturally in the winter rainfall areas of the country, usually in sandy places in Namaqualand and also in Namibia.
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