For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bastard Cobas (Cyphostemma juttae)

Family Vitaceae
Leaves are large, shiny, ovate, fleshy and toothed and fall off during the winter months. Flowers are inconspicuous, but the large grape-like bunches of bright wine-coloured berries near the end of summer make this succulent a true showpiece for container and garden alike.
The tree grape is a slow-growing succulent with a huge swollen trunk (caudiciform). These plants occur in Namibia where they are exposed to very dry and hot conditions. Wild grapes have therefore evolved and adapted very well in order to survive. The presence of white, drooping, papery pieces of bark on the yellow green stems is very typical of this species. In summer this helps to reflect away the sunlight in order to keep the plant cool. The thick, fleshy stem and leaves act as water reservoirs in times of drought. A fully grown plant can measure up to 2 m.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dwarf Bush Cherry (Maerua marvifolio)

Family Capparaceae
A small, low-spreading bush growing to about 60cm in height found in the Satara region of Kruger National Park.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

False Marula (Lannea stuhlmannii)

Family Anacardiaceae
A medium size tree about 7-9m in height found in the north eastern regions.
Extract from Palgraves:
"The Swazi name for this tree - 'the tree of forgetfulness' - is probably derived from the fact that it features in certain ceremonies which take place when two former enemies meet and agree to forget their past quarrels. It is believed to harbour a benevolent spirit which is often evoked to protect and heal by ritual. In more orthodox African medicine, a paste made from these leaves is applied as a dressing on sores and abscesses. The fruit have a pleasant flavour, the wood has been used as a general purpose timber and the bark for tanning and as a purple dye."

Cat's Whiskers (Becium obovatum)

Family Lamiaceae  
 Showing difference in flower colour between regions:

Butterfly Bush (Rotheca hirsuta)

 Family Lamiaceae
 Showing difference in leaves between regions:

Weeping Anthericum (Chlorophytum saundersiae)

Family Agavaceae  
 Difference in petal colour between regions:

Skraaldisseldoring (Berkheya speciosa)

Family Asteraceae  
 Showing difference in leaf and flower between regions:

Paintbrush Lily (Scadoxus puniceus)

Family Amaryllidaceae
 Showing difference in leaf growth and stem:


Ox-eyed Daisy (Callilepis laureola)

Family Asteraceae  
 Showing difference in leaves between regions:

Natal Primrose (Thunbergia atriplicifolia)

Family Acanthaceae  
 Showing difference in leaves between regions:

Doll's Powderpuff (Cyanotis speciosa)

Family Commelinaceae  
 Showing difference in colour and growth from region to region :

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Minaret Flower (Leonotis ocymifolia)

Family Lamiaceae
A very tall plant of about 2m (6')