Friday, May 7, 2010

Small Spotted Genet

I am sorry but this is the only picture I have ever been able to get of this lovely cat.

The small spotted genet, or common genet, is a small cat-like mammal. From head to tail, the small spotted genet is approximately 40 in (100cm) in length, and weighs around 2-7 lbs (1-3 kg.). The medium to short length coat can be found in shades from tan to gray. The coat is spotted with small black spots formed in rows. These spots may be located close together and form what looks like solid lines. Each genet has a unique pattern. The tail is ringed, and makes up approximately half of the total body length. The face of Genetta genetta is slightly elongated. The muzzle is black, ringed with white around mouth and eye area. The eyes are large and round and face forward. They have short stout legs and large ears. When frightened or excited, small spotted genets are able to erect a mane of hair along their neck and back. Genets have 5 digits per foot and the soles of each foot is furred. Like a cat’s the claws are retractile. Like all Viverids, small spotted genets have anal scent glands used for marking and as a predator deterrent.