Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My first Hummingbird/Sunbird!!

...and WAS I pleased with myself!! LOL!! These small, beautiful Whiltebellied Sunbirds - we dont call them Humming birds here- come and drink the nectar out of the flowers but they are so elusive I never seem to be able to get puctures. As you know I am not a birder, but I wanted to show you this one. Unfortunately the breeding season is over so the male has lost most of its color but the bright, metalic spot you can see on its shoulder is what the whole of the top of his head lookes like in summer.
But hey, beggars can't be choosers and I am happy that I at least got SOME shots of it. :)
They are usually solitary or in pairs amd found in most parks and gardens where they mostly feed on the abundant Aloes to be found growing.
They are very vocal and will chase other Sunbirds away from their food source. This one below is almost a good picture of it taking off.