It has a combination of of a zoo and reptile park. This is a Caracal which looks very much like your lynx with its tufted ears and is about the same size.
The tortoise here have laid an egg which I is probably not fertile or else they would have buried it. A Serval has extremely long legs and can jump 6 feet in height. It lives off birds, rodents and whatever else comes to hand.
The Black-backed Jackal is one of two species found here.
A sunglazer lizard has lights which it can bask under when there is no sunlight and acts as a temperature control for him.
One of the more beautiful snakes they have is this Burmese Python.
The Suricats or Meerkats are a joy to watch......
especially these youngsters which were romping around playing. They have so much energy and never seem to be still for a minute.